Friday, January 24, 2014

The End of Week Three in South Africa

Greetings Family and Friends,

This has been quite the week filled with high drama at the house and school. One of the serious advantages of being my age is I have learned how to get out of the way of 'high drama!" So, I myself, had an excellent week! I have developed a nice partnership with a young 3rd grade teacher and she has asked me to be in her class daily and work with the students in class. The Program however, likes to bring kids out of the class to tutor them, so they have not made their decision. I think if they let me stay in the class it offers another option for volunteers and builds stronger partnerships with teachers, principals and most importantly, the children.

The room I worked in all week is 2/3rds boys and 1/3 girls. At this age, of course the girls are serious about learning and showing off what they know, while the boys fight over pencils, erasers and hand held pencil sharpeners that we threw out in the 1950s. A couple of the boys I have pulled out from under their desks, as sitting still from 8:30 to 2:30pm with a half hour lunch learning didactically (sp?) is more than any 8-9 year old should be asked to do.

I taught them what "up, down, through, under and around" was by acting it out with the kids and they thought this was just 'over the top fun!!' I so love being here with them, finding creative, yet simple ways to teach them, and can see the potential in many of these children despite all they lack.

Six of the younger roommates went shark diving today so they missed a volunteer work day and they were sorely missed the Program managers. One 43 year old who says she is 33 and swore me to secrecy was offended she was not asked to go shark diving and pouted about it for quite awhile.. Another 40 + year old, who came in over the weekend (#10)  feels there none of the young folks accept her. So, we have the 20 somethings and the 40 somethings, and then their is 'me!!' I am managing to get along with both groups and am the keeper of many, many secrets!!

Living with nine women has reminded me how much girls talk and gossip and embrace drama. Ugh!! I had 3 hours to myself, alone last night and it was divine! Passed up a beer just for the silence. Tomorrow, the 20 somethings are jumping out of a plane and actually invited me to join them in the shark dive and the airplane jump. I just told them my hobby was collecting rocks and thank you very much!! Not too mention I am scared of most animals, let alone a shark; and I also like the Earth below my feet!  They are videotaping their adventures (which might get them fired from being volunteers) so I can see how they did :))

I am going to the Cape of Good Hope this Sunday where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet and the energy is supreme. I met a women who reads energy here and we had tea and she shared a lot about the heavy energy that lingers in Capetown and Africa in general, and what it will take to lift it. Ally, I shared your card with her as she claims not to be an artist, but draws with water color some beautiful pictures. I will share her email addressat another time as I have it in my suitcase. She painted a picture of what she said would be my next dwelling which will also house my work! Hmmm! We are having tea again, so I will certainly seek more information.....

Here are a few pictures from the week at school...hope this finds you all well and staying warm, Love and Hugs....Mom/Gram/etc.
hallway and some classrooms
3 3rd graders outside a classroom

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